YPPCO. as the supplier of Drilling Equipment like previous years participated in 22nd Tehran Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Exhibition from 6th to 9th May 2017.In this exhibition,YPPCO as the formal sales representative and the exclusive provider of after sales services of SJ Petroleum Machinery Co.; Sinopec, in Iran market exhibited the latest activities done for the support of the Iranian customers of SJ Petro for the drilling equipment such as Drilling Rigs, Cementing Units, Coiled Tubing Units and etc. Moreover SUSTRACO ADIKREASI as the joint partner of YPPCO in the Directional Drilling Services (MWD/LWD) as well as Fishing Services presented itself to the local Iranian end-users and customers.
Y|P|P Co. at Hall No. 27 , Booth No. 719